This is a top-level view of our updated privacy policy which came into effect on 20 June 2022. The definite policy follows a similar structure and comprises a real legal report.

This privacy policy applies to all the users of our site. By utilizing this site, or completing the contact registration process, you acknowledge and agree that you just have attentively read and acknowledged this privacy policy and accepted this agreement.

Our Privacy Commitment

We gather information to offer better services to our users, existing clients, and expected new clients – from sorting out essential stuff like figuring out your IP (Internet Protocol) which guides us about your nation/area, to additional complex things like knowing your reference URL which assists us to figure out which site sent you to us.

Our Privacy Policy is intended to assist you with understanding what information we collect and how we use and share that data. This Privacy Policy applies to our sites, applications, items, and services.

RC Infinity will never offer your data to any outsider for publicizing, and financial purposes. This is our methodology and responsibility. This strategy makes sense of what data we obtain from you, how we manage it, who can get to it, and what can be done.


We just collect the data that we need and which is important to us to offer various services to you.  Some information that you give us by yourself while contacting us through email, contact forms available on our website, to ask for our services or purchase any of our services. We store your name and contact data like telephone, social profiles, address, and so on, and your business project-related data.

When you visit our sites or utilize any of our services we naturally draw some essential information like how you got to the site, what you explored inside it, your location, and what features and settings you use. We utilize this data to work on our sites and services and to drive and serve you better while offering our type of assistance.

In some cases, we get information indirectly. If you get some information about our services through one of our referral programs or sign in to one of our products through a verification service provider like LinkedIn or Google, or Facebook they’ll give your contact data to us. We’ll utilize that data to finish the request that you made.


We utilize your data to offer you the services you’ve requested and maintain your records. We also use it to discuss with you the services you’re now utilizing, your client support request, and new services you might like. We analyze the data and understand the needs of our clients and work on our sites and services.

We are expected to have a legal basis for collecting and handling your data. Much of the time, we either have your consent or need the information to provide the service you have requested us. 

You can decline specific sorts of data utilization either by not giving the data in any case or by quitting later. You can disable cookies to prevent your browser from giving us any information but if you do that then, some features might not work properly. We disable third-party cookies from all other sites.

We limit the access to your data to our employees and sellers who have a genuine need to utilize it.

We save your data however long it is expected for the reasons expressed in the Privacy Policy. Whenever we never again have a genuine need to handle your data, we will erase, and delete, your data whichever is suitable.


  • If you handle others’ information utilizing RC Infinity, for example, data about your clients or employees, you are entrusting that information to us for handling and processing.
  • Being a service provider, you might share your clients, workers, and merchants’ information as a piece of the project development process. You own your service information. We safeguard it, limit access to it, and just process it as per your guidelines. You may access it, share it through third-party integration and request us to trade or erase it.
  • We hold the information as long as you decide to utilize our services. After you end your agreement, we might keep the information for a specific timeframe, your information will be erased from our turn of events and backup server with your consent.


There are a few limitations to the security we can guarantee you. We will disclose personal information if it’s important to follow a legal commitment, to prevent fraud, misrepresentation, implement, and understanding, or safeguard our clients’ security.

Third-party websites and social media widgets have different security strategies. Continuously look at the relevant privacy policy before sharing individual data with outsiders.

You can continuously reach us to: Ask questions about our security practices, demand a GDPR-consistent Data Processing Addendum, alert us if you accept, we have gathered individual information from a minor, or request to have your data eliminated from our blogs or discussions. You can also take a look at our Security Policy and Privacy Policy.

We will reach you to inform you as we make any major changes or improvements to our privacy policy.

The Privacy Policy Shall be Governed in These Areas


Data you give us: During the process of contacting us/reaching out, you will be asked to complete the registration form requesting basic internet-based contact data about yourself or provide us with your details via telephone.

Data we gather about you: We will gather any data contained in any correspondence between you and us using the contact form on sites, and messages or calls. We might gather the information, for the reasons of service and solutions.

We gather data about you visiting our site and how you use it. This might incorporate your IP address, topographical area, gadget data, program type, reference source, duration of visit, working framework, number of site hits, which pages you saw, and comparable data.

This data might be gathered by third-party website analytics for our sake or collected using cookies. We also use cookies to track down delivery and open rates, the aftereffects of which are put away against your email address and profile.

Data we get from outsiders: We might gather data about you from third parties that we work with to deliver the services to you. Third-party sites might gather data directly from your sites or your digital presence. We may also get data about you from outsiders where you have consented to such a third party sharing your data.


We might use your information for the following purposes, depending upon the relationship we have with you. Before submitting your information to us, we will give you brief information about how we will utilize your information.

We utilize personal information to:

  • Give you information that you have requested from us, about development services and other services we offer.
  • To invite you to meet us at the events and shows.
  • Examine client traffic to measure utilization of our sites and to improve their content.
  • We might utilize data, for example, your IP address for analytical purposes of our pages, this could include working on the improvement of our websites and services.


In specific conditions, we might share your data to:

  • Third-party merchants that could be useful to you in your business projects, with your consent.
  • Website user through the portfolio for reference, with your consent.
  • Government experts for legal processes
  • Inner references and contacts that could end up being useful to you in your business, with mutual consent of both.


We use cookies to guarantee that you take advantage of our site. Cookies are little text documents that we store on the device you use to get to the site. It permits us to monitor your utilization of the software and simplify your utilization of the site. If you don’t want cookies to be introduced on your gadget, you can change the settings on your device to dismiss or reject cookies.


A portion of our websites might contain content and links to different sites or applications which are operated by third parties. We don’t control these third-party sites or applications and this Privacy Policy doesn’t apply to them. Please have a look at the terms and conditions and Privacy Policy of that particular third-party app or website and find out how they utilize your information and for what purpose they use it.


We utilize a variety of technological and functional safety measures to safeguard your information against any unapproved access to, unlawful utilization of, and destruction or modification of the private information we store.


  • Demand a copy of the information that we keep about you, by making a request in writing or through an email.
  • Contact us if you feel that any of the data, we have of you is incorrect, to have that information corrected.
  • Contact us to request that we can quit handling your information, or withdraw consent on which we were dependent for processing your data. 
  • Contact us to demand that we erase your information.